Our commitments
Since 1962, year of creation of the company, we have always been committed into a full quality approach for our fruit purees. Year after year, the high level IFS certification shows the good implementation of a quality management system based on continuous improvement, in compliance with economic and societal data of the company. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the marketing of healthy and safe products, while developping the sustainable performance in the respect of diverse regulations (hygiene, labelling, traceability, …).
Our ambition is to satisfy our clients by offering them high quality products.
Our action is run by three major guidelines :
To adapt processes in order to match the requirement level of our clients
o Organoleptic process : to combine the expertise of the authentic taste of the fruit, and the right associated process allowing to restitute the preserved tastes and the regularity of the processed fruit.
o Nutritionnal process : absence of preservatives, additives, allergens, and use of natural cane sugar when it is necessary. Research and development of products with a low glucose level in balance with in consonance with the requirements of final users and consumers.
o One quality, for two solutions in chilled and frozen. To research and develop packagings and adapted formats for different uses, without waiving our quality standard.
o To conciliate theses specifications with the continuance of an optimal level of service.

To source by implying our partners
o To select longterm producers and suppliers for more quality and security.
o To identify, visit, and control supply lines of quality fruits.
o To formalize the specifications related to the IFS requirements regarding quality, security, and traceability.
To include as best as possible sustainable development matters, by following the use of our ressources
o To involve the team on these matters on each steps of development.
o To reduce the products wastes by optimizing the use of materials and packagings.
o To treat the wastes for recycling and recovery in specific treatment sectors : cardboards, papers, plastics, organic wastes.
o To manage rejections in water, thanks to the connection of the workshop with its own treatment basin.
Since 1997, La Fruitière du Val Evel never cease to innovate and improve its working tools, especially the fruit transformation and treatment processes. Recently, the choice of the cold treatment by High Pressure shows this constant quest for the best. This ultra-performing process is unique on the market, and is the best solution to preserve the qualities of a processed fruit. Innovation also concerns our selection work in our orchards. After the Tayberry, the launch of the 100% french Méco Raspberry is a new exemple of our differenciation. All these works contribute to the development of our core business and our range of natural fruit purees and coulis, which excels for its quality and the choice it offers.
PROCESS innovation & Isogone Award
1997 : Launch of the first ambiant range of fruit purees and coulis in doypacks with stopper (Isogone award).
2006 : Construction of a new production and storage workshop, and installation of an ultra-performing ohmic pasteurizer.
PRODUCTS Innovations & SIRHA Great awards
2007 : « Pâtes de fruit Minute » : First ready-to-use fruit preparation. Winner Sirha Innovation award 2007.
2011 : « Flavor pearls » : Frozen sweet and savory cooking aids. Winner Sirha Innovation award 2011.
2013 : « Frozen vinegars to grate » : Frozen sweet and savory cooking aids. Winner Sirha Innovation award 2013.
HPP PROCESS Innovation
2015 : Launch of the « Tayberry », only cultivated in the orchards of La Fruitière du Val Evel.
2016 : Launch of the first range of fruit purees and coulis and dessert sauces, cold pasteurized by High Pressure.
ORCHARDS Innovation
2018 : Launch of the first 100% french Raspberry puree : the Méco Raspberry, a cross between the varietis Meeker and Rose de Côte d’Or. Cultivated and harvested in our orchards, refined and cold pasteurized by High Pressure in our workshop. When the High Pressure is combined with freezing, the frozen “RAW” quality is greater on the organoleptic side.
2018-19 : Launch of 20 new “core range” references for a total assortment of 61 references.
2020 : Complete offer with one identical organoleptic quality, proposing 2 solutions in chilled and frozen.
2021 : « For each need, a solution » : expansion of our Chilled HP range : 1, 5 et 10kg for a wide and unique offer on the market.